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» Police Disband Peace Action Demo SKP-HAM Disappearance
Police Disband Peace Action Demo SKP-HAM Disappearance
Kamis, 08 Oktober 2015 | 0 komentar
JAYAPURA, SUARAPAPUA.com --- Dozens of police officers Resort City (Police) Jayapura, Thursday (10/08/2015) afternoon, forcibly disperse a peaceful demonstration held Solidarity with Victims of Human Rights Violations (SKP-HAM) Papua, in front of Good Shepherd Catholic Church, Abepura, Jayapura, Papua.
Papua.com sound observation, from 13.00 Wit, dozens of students, activists, youth, brothers and priests from the Franciscan Jayapura, Papua, has come to convey our concerns to the action of the State for not being able to complete pelaggaran cases of gross human rights that occurred in Paniai, December 8, 2014 last.Massa continued to gather, and according to the plan will make a peaceful demonstration to the office of the Papuan Legislative Council (DPRP), and the National Human Rights Commission Representative office of Papua, to express their aspirations related to the performance of an ad hoc team formed a few months ago.Several representatives also seen serious mass communicating with the Abepura police chief, Commissioner Marthen Asmuruf, ask the police allowed the mass action to DPRP office and the Office of the Commission representatives Papua, but the police chief insist on not allow the course of action."I'm getting orders from superiors to dismiss the action today, so the brothers could not go to Jayapura, I just run the command only, so the brothers could disperse themselves immediately," said Commissioner Asmuruf to the coordinator of the action, Peneas Lokbere.Police chief also said, according to the instructions pimpinanya in Jayapura Police, action can not be continued because it has not received permission from the Police, especially the action took place during the day when all the activity in the office would be over."He said this action there is no license, therefore it must be dissolved, if the brothers wanted to communication with the Police, go ahead," said the police chief, asking to contact the police chief coordinator of the action if it is to continue action to Jayapura.Some seminarians and priests of the Diocese of Jayapura, Papua, who studied at the School of Philosophy and Theology (STFT) "Fajar Timur" Abepura, was also seen arriving, and joined the mass action of the Catholic priest robe, and demanded the completion of cases of Dengue Paniai.Some student activists who are members of the Catholic Student Association of the Republic of Indonesia (PMKRI), also looks to join the mass action which is estimated at 50 people.Approximately at 14:40 CEST, when negotiations with the Abepura police chief taking place, suddenly from the direction Circle Abe, came a police trucks with sirens were very strong, and pushed into the ranks of the masses and forcibly disperse the action.Some seminarians and priests were seen holding posters and banners was almost hit by a police truck; Dozens of members of the police in a swift jump from the truck and disperse the mob action, and arrested dozens of students, brothers, and transported to the police truck.Indiscriminately, some of the journalists who were in the place of action and trying to take photos too intimidated by police and banned from taking photographs of the dissolution of the action by the police.Even more alarming, the camera one journalist majalahselangkah.com, Abeth You, seized by police officers and quickly remove all the contents of photos and videos, whereas the press card from the media where Abeth You work was shown to the Police.About 18 people mass action was subsequently arrested and transported to the truck. Some carried banners and posters of mass action was also seized and transported to the truck at the behest Wakapolresta Jayapura, Commissioner Albertus Adreana, who are also in the police truck.Coordinator of the action, Peneas Lokbere deplored the brutal action of the police, because SKP-HAM action by peaceful means without violence."The nature of police in Papua since the beginning until now never changes, peaceful demonstrations are always faced with other forms of violence and arrests, we proved earlier dissolved by force," said Lokbere, to suarapapua.com, noon.According Lokbere, the action aims to ask the President of the Human Rights SKP serious Jokowi resolve cases of gross human rights violations that occurred in Paniai, by strengthening the ad hoc team of the National Commission on Human Rights which has been formed some time ago."We ask the State responsible for the massacre and the shooting of four high school students in Paniai, and several other human rights violations in Papua," said Lokbere.
Source: http://suarapapua.com/
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